Has the path to financial freedom felt impossible?
Are you crypto-curious but find taking the first steps to be overwhelming or confusing?
Do you want to believe that despite current circumstances, you deserve security and you dare to hope for abundance?
Do the current financial and economic systems—coupled with the job market and educational institutions—feel unbreakable, like a prison cell you have to endure?
Does it feel like mainstream media and news force-feed us fear, uncertainty, and doubt so that we comply with scarcity and barely surviving when we know there's an alternative - thriving.
If any of this resonates, that is because we have stood in your shoes, asked the same questions, and drawn a line in the sand.
Freedom is a choice. Choose you.
Conscious Crypto is your guide to an alternative means of exchange and value.
Do you want to be able to earn more, any time, that is convenient for you, with zero physical effort?
Can you get off the proverbial hamster wheel, and break out of the system?
Are you ready to learn new ways of engaging with and exchanging value?
Noah Lampert (Synchronicity Podcast and Community Creator) and Nicole B-Z (Business Coach and Web 3 Builder) share their steps towards financial freedom in Conscious Crypto.
Until now, these downloads were spread across years of podcast episodes, hundreds of discord Q&As, and high-level conversations that were too advanced or too scattered to succinctly share the secrets of crypto success.
Crypto curious?
If you dream of achieving financial freedom with cryptocurrency, we have the answers you've been seeking.
With our comprehensive guide, you will have all the resources and tools to safely enter the world of crypto and set yourself up for success.
The crypto world will give you the freedom to make your own decisions and spend more time doing what you love most.
Escape the grind and learn crypto basics.
You might believe crypto is a game of trial and error, but don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back from achieving financial freedom. Take the first step towards a more prosperous future.
Create the life you envision:
Feel freedom
No longer confined to a dreary workplace. The world becomes your office.
Feel happiness
No more escaping. Don’t live to work. Be at peace, satisfied and happy.
Feel prosperity
Discover the true value of exchange and the energetics of currency flow.
What you’ll learn
Don't let this overwhelm you, Conscious Crypto is a simple, step-by-step guide to safely step you into the world of conscious exchange. Questions or support, we got you in the Discord community.
The mirror for your money consciousness
Only start with what you’re 100% ok to lose
FOMO, Greed, Scarcity, Abundance
Custodial wallet
What it is
Setting up
KYC (Know Your Customer)
Coinbase’s VS MetaMask
Cold storage
Turn Your Cash Into Crypto
Current options
Anonymous vs tradfi pros and cons
Network addresses & contracts
Basic DeFi activities (chart / volume / liquidity)
Decentralized Exchange
How to Do Your Own Research
Basic swapping and exchanging
Demo. swap
Demo. bridge
Peer to peer
Block explorers
Make Crypto Work for You
Single coin yield farming
DCA (dollar cost average) in / out
Take Profit targets
The day-to-day
Q&A with Noah & Nicole BZ
WTF is Crypto Currency Consciousness and the Energy of Currency?
The power of crypto, both cultural and economic, has recently become too huge to overlook. Crypto ideology and wealth is going to be a transformative force in the coming years. Its influence is changing our means of exchange. Don’t miss your chance to become financially independent.
How do I get started?
Learn the fundamental concepts of cryptocurrency consciousness and explore how the energy of currency impacts the crypto ecosystem. Discover the profound implications of this new form of decentralized digital currency and how it is reshaping the financial world.
How do I start trading crypto?
Set Up a Custodial Wallet. A custodial wallet is one of the most essential tools for safeguarding your crypto assets. Our step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up and securing a custodial wallet, ensuring that you have a firm grasp on the basics of wallet management.
Do I need a VPN for Crypto?
We walk you through the reasons, who this applies to, and the best options for you. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) helps enhance your privacy and security while engaging in crypto transactions. We explain the importance of maintaining anonymity and how a VPN shields your online activities from prying eyes, ensuring a secure crypto experience.
How do I get my money into and out of crypto?
Making the leap from traditional currency to crypto can be daunting. We are here to provide guidance to onboarding fiat currency into the crypto world, making the transition smooth. You will find out about different methods and platforms available to exchange fiat (nation state currencies) for your favorite cryptocurrencies.
What if I can’t buy a whole bitcoin or ether?
You don't have too! You can buy fractions of cryptocurrencies. We unlock the tried and tested basics of cryptocurrency. Get your first coin, swap and bridge, and discover how to navigate the ever-changing crypto landscape with ease.
What is decentralized finance?
Get expert-level knowledge about the revolutionary world of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and learn how to use them effectively. We demystify the workings of DEXs, providing credible and proven expert advice on trading on these platforms.
How can I make my crypto work for me?
We shed light on the concepts of staking, yield farming, leverage trading, dollar cost averaging, investment strategy, and the best tips and tricks to not just double but quantum leap your value in crypto trading. We help choose zero-risk strategies that generate passive income and maximize crypto investments.

There has never been a better time to capitalize on the crypto revolution.
Take your first step towards a more prosperous future
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